Monday, March 7, 2011


In case you've been wondering where I've been... (it's been months.) I have been getting ready for the trip of a lifetime. I will be going to Germany, Switzerland and Austria in 3 days! I can't even believe it. My bags are packed, but I'm not quite ready to go. I will be gone for 16 days and can't wait for the adventure that awaits me!

I will be blogging my whole journey on my other blog, where you should look for daily videos, tweets, pictures, and as much content I can write. (I'm not sure what kind of internet connection I'll have there..)

Anyways, I am using my wordpress blog for this trip, because I want to use that blog solely as a TRAVEL blog to document all of my travels - starting with this one, where as this one is a catch all the random thoughts in my head every few months blog.

Stay tuned. And happy traveling.