Friday, July 3, 2009

tips are fun!

tips for the best cuatro de julio ever!!
1. grill out, mmm smell that delicious burger and dog over the charcoal flames
2. hang with your family... play a game, fly a kite, take a hike!
3. do a craft (patriotic of course) flags, face paint, posters... go AMeRICA!
4. take a tour of your city... appreciate AMERICA!
5. firework show, your city probably has a production of sorts... if not Go find another CITY!
6. make patriotic snacks.. has some great ideas for flag cakes and red and white jello cups
7. sparklers... need i say more?
8. get a little sunburn! nothing says i love america and freedom like being outside in a pool catching some rays
9. watch a war movie. GO AMERICA (ps we win all of them)
10. listen to some patriotic tunes. GOD BLESS 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

other postings

I am the summer intern at Birmingham Home & Gardens and I just posted an article about keeping your house allergen free.
Feel free to take a look at