Friday, July 3, 2009

tips are fun!

tips for the best cuatro de julio ever!!
1. grill out, mmm smell that delicious burger and dog over the charcoal flames
2. hang with your family... play a game, fly a kite, take a hike!
3. do a craft (patriotic of course) flags, face paint, posters... go AMeRICA!
4. take a tour of your city... appreciate AMERICA!
5. firework show, your city probably has a production of sorts... if not Go find another CITY!
6. make patriotic snacks.. has some great ideas for flag cakes and red and white jello cups
7. sparklers... need i say more?
8. get a little sunburn! nothing says i love america and freedom like being outside in a pool catching some rays
9. watch a war movie. GO AMERICA (ps we win all of them)
10. listen to some patriotic tunes. GOD BLESS 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

other postings

I am the summer intern at Birmingham Home & Gardens and I just posted an article about keeping your house allergen free.
Feel free to take a look at

Thursday, June 18, 2009

something to think about

so i am basically a FAILURE at this blog. and i apologize to my one reader. (yes i am giving all of you a guilt trip if you read this and are not 'following') 
anyways, so as for me i am working at a magazine this summer. for free. 
just ponder that for a second.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

internet.. or lack there of... what to do?

You pay for internet,  you deserve internet, you NEED internet.  These days you honestly canNOT live without it. Internet providers... COM-CAST in particular.... have no idea the amount of power they hold over the public. The most recent shortcoming of the crappy apartments in which I live, is the inability to connect to my wireless internet. 
As a college student I have assignments due at all hours of the night. Because of the lack of signal I am forced to drive to the library at 11p.m. to complete an assignment due by midnight. THIS IS RIDICULOUS! 
After missing several appointments Com-cast finally sent a rep. out to check out our problems. Not only was the rep. hours later than the confirmed time slot given to me over the phone, but was completely incompetent. He refused to check my wireless on my computer because I have a Macbook.... (and apparently Apple is the devil). He constantly bashed Com-cast, even more profusely once he realized he had no idea how to fix the problem. 
He brings us a new gateway, that will supposedly solve all our troubles.... however, he instantly notices in his moronic way that the "new" gateway is in fact quite old and about to be rendered useless, and arranges to come back in a few hours. Of course, he chooses to come outside of the time table we told him people would be at the apt. so when I arrive home from class there is a neon green door-hanger saying "sorry i missed you" call this number ####...
Of course I immediately call, and little to my surprise I'm greeted by his answering machine. He doesn't show up again till around 6:30 p.m., (conveniently the time we all like to make dinner). Once again refuses to touch my 'filthy' Macbook, and fiddles around on my roommates Dell for over an hour. His incompetence hit an all time high around 8:20 p.m. when he finally realizes he has no idea how to fix the internet. He finally left, but not before making multiple comments on his disdain for Com-cast and the 'whole system'. 
We now have a rep. coming out for the third day in a row to attempt to handle the problem, and get us the wireless internet we pay for and deserve. 
As I write this,  another roommate of mine can be heard huffing in anger, just realizing the last rep. not only did nothing to help our internet connection situation, but that he also took the box away completely meaning she can't even plug in the Ethernet cord to connect. 
I am hopeful that the issue will soon be resolved, but my confidence in the respective company is increasingly lowered with each passing hour without internet. 

--this was written clinging to one measly bar of strength of the 'stolen' connection of our neighbors

journalism in general

Just went to a "Journalism Jobs" seminar where I actually learned a thing or two about getting jobs in the field of journalism. Sat in for two sessions, Magazine journalism and digital media. Both explained topics like "what employers are looking for when hiring" and "how to adapt in the changing state of media." As I sat there I became increasingly aware that the way I view the world of media is constantly in a state of change, aka the future is NOW. (literally)  The one thing that stood out to me most as the commentators made jokes like "you know you'll never make any money in this field" and student questions were along the lines of "how many odd jobs do you have to do on the side till you actually can earn a living just being a journalist?" was the fact that to be a journalist you must be willing to learn and adapt to ALL types of media. You must follow the trends of the Internet whether it be twitter, facebook, or blogging. To be a "hirable" journalist you must be prepared to be enterprising, work extremely hard (most of the time at odd jobs just to make rent money), have experience, and most of all be ready to take on any aspect of  the media world can throw at you. Therefore, as soon as I got back to my on-campus apartment (which is about as crappy as they come), I created this blog in at attempt to not only sharpen my writing skills, but have some exposure to the online medium of journalism. I plan on posting photos, videos, links to other sites I find interesting, and anything that may be considered in the heading in the direction of a media 'trend'. Hopefully this attempt will give me the experience needed and the chance to see a whole new side of  'new' (which is actually old by now) media and  journalism.